Meet The Dream Team

Natasha Saavedra


Natasha has been serving the chiropractic profession for over 20 years. She is an entrepreneur, Business Coach, and within 5 years, she successfully opened and operated 3 medically integrated practices. Her passion is to help every person express their God-given potential!

"Be Blessed and Be a Blessing"

Bryce Harrison


Bryce has been serving in healthcare for over 9 years. Alongside contracting out digital marketing, content production, and general business support, Bryce has assisted in the growth, development, and management of 3 medically integrated facilities. He is focused on the bigger picture and has a plethora of tools in his toolbelt that allow him to be very effective in finding a solution to whatever problem arises.

​"Everything Is Figureoutable"

Alyssa Fell


Alyssa has been serving healthcare for 5 years after earning her Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science from Colorado Mesa University. She expanded and managed 2 medically integrated clinics in Colorado and positively impacted hundreds of patients' lives by combining her love for health & the art of sales. Now she helps others across the country do the same.

"Good is the enemy of great"


Does this sound like you?

  • You're an entrepreneur with big goals

  • You're here to serve others and change lives

  • You're here to make more, so you can impact more

  • You don't know how or have time to do it all yourself

  • You're struggling to stay afloat due to low conversion rates

Ready To Get Started Here Today And Achieve Amazing Results?

Go ahead and click the button to the right, and our team will be in contact with you shortly to set up your FREE practice analysis!


Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do before starting with Care Closers?

We'll review these details with you during our initial conversation. Please ensure you have these niche services worked out, along with a clear description of the features and benefits of each service. For consistency in training, we have taken best practices and put them into 3 main options. We ensure that each office and their providers are in agreement with this.

It's essential to create an avatar outlining your ideal client profile, including their primary challenges, desires, and common objections they may raise. While not mandatory, having your existing sales process documented, including the necessary steps before, during, and after a sale, can be extremely beneficial. However, rest assured that we will assist you in refining and optimizing these aspects as we collaborate together.

What is included with Care Closers?

*Access to our virtual Care Managers

*Access to HIPAA compliant Platform

*3 Niche cash service lines including Regenerative, Neuropathy, and Weight Loss

*Access to discounted services through vendor relationships

*Discounted sales training if you want to bring sales in house

*Massive income potential with a strong Care Closer!

*Training videos on the platform

Our team will create all the sales scripts, intake forms and templates, and integrate our systems to allow for a smooth sales process. We will provide all of the software needed.

After Care Closers start selling for you, we will also manage your Care Manager(s), undertake ongoing quality assurance, and provide you with regular feedback, insights, and monthly reporting.

Are providing leads my responsibility?

Yes, you must already have solid marketing in place, which generates a consistent flow of leads. Care Closers are your sales teams only. We do have reputable companies that we prefer our clients to utilize if you do not have solid marketing in place.

How quickly before Care Closers produces results?

We often see sales closed on day one! However, please expect a growth phase during the first 90 days of working together.

My last virtual sales team was horrible. How can I be sure that it won’t happen again?

We believe that when outsourcing sales has been unsuccessful in the past, it is often due to the lack of preparation.

Our team has successfully sold millions of dollars in services over the years. We are confident that your clinic is providing a proven service that we are passionate about! If you have a consistent flow of leads, Care Closers will make a great sales partner for you.

While we can’t guarantee results, you can rest assured that just one close will pay for your retainer! From there we only charge you commission when we close a care plan for your business.

Do I have to sign a long term contract?

No! You will sign an initial agreement, and we include a clause allowing you to cancel with 30 days notice after your first 3 months, should you decide that we are not a good fit for your business.

What is the difference between using Care Closers and hiring a freelancer directly?

We know that the role of salesperson can be an emotional rollercoaster, and we pride ourselves in looking after the mental health of our team during that process, as well as helping them to overcome hurdles, develop their skills, and keep them motivated.

Not only that, but we also monitor results, track key data and continually improve sales conversion rates which benefit both our sales team and clients alike. Hiring a freelancer is a steeper gradient for you in making sure this person is trained up.

How do you ensure that my clinic is represented effectively?

We match you with a Care Manager(s) that we feel is the best fit. We assess based not only on experience, but also on values and characteristics. We also provide ongoing quality assurance by listening to recordings, providing coaching where needed, and closely monitoring key performance indicators.

How long does it take to get Care Closers up and running in my business?

We have been able to get up and running within a matter of days for clients who had urgent needs. We prefer you to allow 2-4 weeks for proper onboarding.

This ensures matching you with the best fit for Care Managers(s), for us to learn your business, train your team, and tailor the sales process for you before we go live!

How do you select Care Closers that produce results?

Our founder, Natasha Saavedra, not only has 20 years in the medical field of selling high-ticket services, but has also worked as a sales recruiter and trainer for teams across the country. She has taken her experience to identify who is a natural closer, through initial assessments, interviews, mock sales, and personality profile testing. Our experienced Care Managers were selected based on conversion rates of 80% and greater! We will always refine our process to ensure the best results. We ask that you provide qualified leads and we will close them on care plans.

How are the Care Managers trained?

Many of our Care Managers have worked in the chiropractic or integrated space. Not only are they proven closers, they understand this space first hand.

They already know how to sell, however, we have developed a variety of sales training, to teach them our specific techniques that also cover the nuances of how we sell.

Can Care Closers train our team members to do the sales in the office?

Yes! We truly care about our clients’ success. We even offer sales training at a discount for using our service! We know that you can cultivate an amazing sales team in your office, and we are here to help.